| first lash: my pride was laid upon him. |
| second lash: my greed was laid upon him. |
| third lash: my gluttony was laid upon him. |
| fourth lash: my lust was laid upon him. |
| fifth lash: my laziness was laid upon him. |
| sixth lash: my envy was laid upon him. |
| seventh lash: my malice was laid upon him. |
| eighth lash: my bitterness was laid upon him. |
| ninth lash: my rage was laid upon him. |
| tenth lash: my stealing was laid upon him. |
| eleventh lash: my sarcasm was laid upon him. |
| twelfth lash: my hurtful teasing of others was laid upon him. |
| thirteenth lash: my adultery was laid upon him. |
| fourteenth lash: my dishonesty was laid upon him. |
| fifteenth lash: my ungodly love of worldly possessions was laid upon him. |
| sixteenth lash: my unholy desire for things other people have was laid
upon him. |
| seventeenth lash: my unforgiveness was laid upon him. |
| eighteenth lash: my lack of love for others was laid upon him. |
| nineteenth lash: my hypocrisy was laid upon him. |
| twentieth lash: my using other people for my own gain was laid upon him. |
| twenty-first lash: my prejudice was laid upon him. |
| twenty-second lash: my contempt was laid upon him. |
| twenty-third lash: my disregard for the laws of the land was laid upon
him. |
| twenty-fourth lash: my lack of thankfulness was laid upon him. |
| twenty-fifth lash: my indifference to injustice was laid upon him. |
| twenty-sixth lash: my pollution of God's creation was laid upon him. |
| twenty-seventh lash: my desire for power was laid upon him. |
| twenty-eighth lash: my occult practices was laid upon him. |
| twenty-ninth lash: my deliberate turning away from helping others was laid
upon him. |
| thirtieth lash: my selfishness was laid upon him. |
| thirty-first lash: my poor care of the body he gave me was laid upon him. |
| thirty-second lash: my vanity was laid upon him. |
| thirty-third lash: my hatred of family and friends was laid upon him. |
| thirty-fourth lash: my slander was laid upon him. |
| thirty-fifth lash: my sexual impurity was laid upon him. |
| thirty-sixth lash: my drunkenness was laid upon him. |
| thirty-seventh lash: my idolatry was laid upon him. |
| thirty-eighth lash: my evil thoughts were laid upon him. |
| thirty-ninth lash: all my sins, past, present, and future, were laid upon
him. |